Monday, February 3, 2020

Learning English From Portuguese - The Lowdown

Learning English From Portuguese - The LowdownLearning English from Portuguese is not hard. In fact, learning a new language can be a lot of fun when you are not only learning the language but also expanding your social life as well. I have never met anyone who has not wanted to learn a new language. With that being said, let's take a look at why it is so easy to learn a new language.Since there is no perfect language, every language has its own way of being spoken. For example, in the English language, you will hear many different ways of saying different words. These words have varying degrees of meaning and don't all mean the same thing. Because of this, you will be faced with many language conundrums when trying to communicate with someone who speaks English differently than you do.However, with Portuguese, you will experience a language that uses the same words, but doesn't sound the same. The reasons for this are varied but you can boil it down to a few. In Portuguese, they put emphasis on the first letter of each word, which allows it to sound more unique than English.You may be learning English from Portuguese and not realize it because you are probably doing it in a different way than the first person you learned with. You could be doing it by going to your computer and picking up a phrasebook. This method is fine for memorizing and playing around with words, but it won't help you out with improving your comprehension skills.Another method of learning English from Portuguese is to watch TV or listen to podcasts on how to use the language. These formats are great because you have a context to help you remember the various words you learn. This keeps your mind sharp and works to your advantage as a native English speaker because you already have knowledge of words that you can use.Of course, the most common way of learning English from Portuguese is by learning in person. A good way to start your journey is by going to the place where you live and doing as much as you can with other people who speak the language. This can be a lot of fun if you want to explore all aspects of the language and build a foundation in it before moving on to learning how to communicate in Portuguese.Learning English from Portuguese can be a lot of fun if you are willing to invest the time to make it happen. You have to believe in yourself and your abilities and be willing to put in the work to achieve your goals. Don't underestimate the possibilities and make the most of what you are given.

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